Sunday, 20 January 2013

Bonne annee! 2013

Happy New Year!
Students of French have been continuing their learning through various activities including weekly journal writing and daily oral questions by students. The "Ma Lecture" at-home French reading program is continuing.  Members of the Club de Lecture (who have read 20 or more books at home) include Cassidy, Morgan, Hanna and Douglas. Members of the Club Extraordinaire who have read 50 or more! books include Alexsa, Skyler, Brooklyn and Carver.  Felicitations!  (Kudos to their parents also who listened to all these books!)
Upcoming tests and assignments are:
Gr.4 Weather presentations begin Jan.23, Weather test Jan.29
Gr.5/6 Test -re verbs Jan.29
Gr.6 Re-test faire Jan.22
Gr.6/7 Test -re verbs Jan.29
Gr.7/8 Test -adjectives, "devoir" Jan.24
Remember to study a few minutes each day and participate in class to succeed!
I have found a new FSL (French-as-a Second Language) homework help link -check it out!
FSL homework toolbox (don't worry that it says French Immersion)

A la prochaine...                                      
Madame McConville